Currently Sorted by Total Score, Name (this is the Default sort).
The easiest way to sort is to click one of the column headings in the ranking chart.
Clicking a column heading will sort the ranking by that column (stats will sort by sex, weight, age).You can click the Total column header at any time to quickly switch back to the default sort
This sort page allows you a bit more control over the sorting, for example you could sort by (sex, weight, 2000m)You can sort by up to 6 fields, although you probably won't ever need more than 2 or 3. Just select the fields in the order that you wish to sort them and click the Sort button
Combining sorting with Filters gives you a lot more control over the Ranking display.
Click the Cancel button to return to the previous page without changing the current sort settings.
Click Default to use the default sort of (Total Score, Name).